In order to receive your badge as soon as possible, we advise you to fill in your first and last names after completing all the assessments and getting the required score.
After completing your badge request, you can check the status of your request in the component page.
Translation: Your Open Badge request has been validated, you will shortly receive an Open Badge Factory mail to acquire your badge, congratulations!
This summary table allows you to know the progress of your request (in French and translation below) :
Component notification | Badge request status | Explanations |
Vous ne pouvez pas encore demander ce badge, car il est en cours de création. Nous vous remercions de votre attente. |
Not available (Non disponible) |
The badge request form has not yet been integrated into the course. You can inform the teaching team in the course forum. |
Vous n'êtes pas encore éligible à un open badge pour ce cours. Vous devez d'abord atteindre les critères requis pour l'obtenir. Accrochez-vous ! |
invalid (Non valide) |
You have not met the threshold required to earn the course badge. Remember to check in your progress that you have completed all the assessments and that you are eligible. |
Votre demande d'open badge a bien été validée, vous allez bientôt obtenir un courriel d'Open Badge Factory pour l'obtenir, félicitations ! |
Valid (Valide) |
You have met the requirements to obtain the course badge but the badges have not yet been generated. You still have to wait a few days before you can retrieve this document. |
Votre badge a été généré, félicitations ! Vous devriez avoir reçu un courriel avec votre badge. Vous pouvez également l'obtenir en suivant ce lien : Obtenir mon badge |
Generated (Généré) |
Your badge has been generated and is available (see “Where can I find my open badge?”). Congratulations ! |