On our platform, there are two ways to register for courses and training: free registration and paid registration.
- Free registration provides access to free courses.
- Paid registration offers access to professional training courses for a fee.
This flexibility allows you to choose between free learning opportunities and advanced professional training options.
I. Free registration
These online courses are offered by French higher education institutions and their academic partners worldwide.
You can follow these courses interactively and collaboratively, at your own pace. They provide open access to learning and offer the opportunity to obtain various types of completion documents, such as:
- Open badges (free)
- Certificates (paid)
The availability of these documents varies by course; some may offer one, both, or none at all.
There are two types of courses ; animated and without animation:
Animated courses
Which represent the vast majority of courses offered on our platform.
You have access to the full content of the course and can interact with the course team and other learners via the forum.
Depending on the details provided on the course presentation page, you may have access to the following options:
Open Badge
- Earned by completing course exercises directly on the platform.
- Once you achieve the required threshold score, you will receive an email. As a back-up solution, you can also claim your badge through the badge request section within the course (by clicking on the "claim my badge" hyperlink)
- Most courses on the platform offer this end-of-course document.
For more information, refer to these articles:
- What is an Open Badge?
- How do I apply for a badge?
- How can I track the progress of my badge application?
- Obtained by completing a specific exam.
- This is an optional service that requires payment of an examination fee. Prices vary depending on the institution, starting at a minimum of €60.
- Courses offering this option are marked with a "Certifying" label on their stickers in the catalogue.
- For more information:
- What is a certificate?
- How to register
- Infographic of the learner path during an online exam
- For more information:
- In some cases, the open badge and certificate may be offered in the same course. In this case, the badge is always free and subject to validation by the course. There is still a fee for the certificate, which is generally validated by a supervised exam (on Proctor Exam).
Courses without animation
You have access to the entire content of the course without the possibility of interacting with the course team or other users.
This type of course does not include a discussion forum, but may allow you to earn a badge.
This will be specified on the course presentation page.
For the moment, when a course is in this case, this is specified on the course presentation page.
II. Paid enrolment
These are professional training courses made available by French higher education establishments and their academic partners around the world.
Participants can follow these courses interactively and collaboratively.
Course prices are shown on the course presentation page.
The courses enable participants to obtain different types of document (e.g. micro-credential, certificate of achievement, etc.), each with a specific purpose. One of the special features of the courses is that when you register you will be given a training contract to sign during the process.
The only type of training currently available on the platform is micro-credential. These are short qualification courses lasting between 7 and 30 hours.
At the end of the micro-credential course, the participant will receive two documents:
- The certificate of completion, which is a document attesting to the participant's attendance at the training course.
- The micro-credential, which is a document attesting to the participant's acquisition of training skills.
On the FUN platform, you can find an example of training courses offered by the Unicamp consortium. UniCamp micro-credential are issued and recognised by the consortium's partner universities.