What account settings can I modify in my professional training interface?

In your Professional Training interface, you can access certain interface settings.

Please note that these preferences only apply to your professional training interface. They will not affect your FUN account informations.

These settings are accessible from the top right-hand banner, next to your name.


This will grant you access to the professional training interface preferences:

For instance you can:


  • Modify your profile (grayed-out fields cannot be modified) :

  • Switch the interface language from French to English.
  • Change your professional training forums preferences.

  • Amend your text editor preferences.
  • As well as your calendar preferences.

  • Or your message and notification preferences.


Related articles :

  • How do I navigate the professional training interface?
  • What does my second dashboard for professional training correspond to?
  • What can I find in the “My courses” tab?
  • What is the “Discussions” tab?


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