How do I navigate the Professional Training interface?

When you access your professional training courses, you automatically switch to another FUN interface.

This interface is specific to professional training courses and has a different layout compared the FUN main platform.

It includes the following elements:

  • A "dashboard” corresponding to your training calendar.
  • A “My courses” section where you can find the list of professional training courses in which you are enrolled.
  • A “Notification” zone, which includes any alerts you may have set up.
  • A tab giving you access to your discussions with other learners enrolled in the same courses as you.
  • A menu to access your interface options.


The FUN logo in the top left corner takes you back to the main FUN interface.


Related articles :

  • What does my second dashboard for professional training correspond to?
  • What can I find in the “My courses” tab?
  • What account settings can I change in my Professional Training interface?
  • What is the “Discussions” tab?


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