How do I navigate my professional training?

The structure of the training area may vary from one micro-credential to another. When you access your course, you will find a variety of information.

Teaching resources and course activities are organized into sections. These sections may be presented in different formats, such as chapter names, week numbers, images, or tiles.


Example of how a course is organised in fold-out sections:


Example of section training oranisation in tile form:


In any case, by clicking on a section, you can access its content in greater detail. However, access to certain sections may depend on the completion of previous activities or sequences.

At the start of the course, you will find a section that contains all the course details, including a video introduction, the skills reference framework, a forum, course objectives, assessment procedures, contact information, and the MOOC timetable.


Displaying the ‘General information’ section of a course:


At the top of the training area, you will find several tabs, including :

  • Course: gives you access to the course content
  • Participants: gives you access to all the people enrolled in the course, as well as their role.
  • Grades: here you will find all the grades you have obtained for the course.
  • Skills: where you can check your progress by acquiring the skills covered in the course.

The different tabs of a course:


Some sections of the course will be preceded by this icon UniCamp-jalon-blanc-fond-rouge-500px.png and the phrase ‘The following activity is a milestone in your course’. This means that the pedagogical activity that follows is a training attendance milestone. You will therefore need to complete it to prove your attendance in the course.


A training attendance milestone:



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