Why can't I register for courses on FUN at any time?

Courses are organized into sessions with defined start and end dates, allowing both the teaching team and learners to engage concurrently.
This format facilitates interaction with teachers and peers, as a MOOC follows a pedagogical progression rather than serving as a repository of independent teaching resources.

We recognize the value of courses that offer extended enrollment periods or access to archived content for self-paced learning.

Currently, only a few courses are permanently accessible because teaching teams cannot continuously monitor the MOOC to manage the discussion forums.

While we work on developing self-paced courses, we encourage you to enroll in MOOCs of interest during their open enrollment periods. Even if you cannot complete them during the specified timeframe, you will still have access to the content after the course ends.

For courses that have concluded and for which you missed registration, check the catalogue and follow our newsletter to stay informed about upcoming sessions.

Related article:

  • How do I register for a course that is closed to registration?


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