FUN is a MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) platform that has a partnership with French higher education establishments and academic institutions around the world. It offers free quality online MOOCs in a diverse range of subjects, removing the barriers of location and access.
All the courses on FUN are university-level or popular courses designed by top-notch teachers from universities or Higher Education Institutions. They bring new knowledge and skills to learners who enjoy interaction and flexible scheduling as they can work at their own pace.
Instructor-paced courses run on a schedule, typically three to eights weeks, imitating the same as with regular in-person classes in educational institutions.
Whilst following the course at your own pace, you can benefit from more interactive learning over the course weeks.
All you need to undertake a MOOC is an internet connection from a computer or mobile terminal. The courses consist of traditional class materials made fully accessible online, which usually include videos, discussions, quizzes, readings and research activities.
You need to connect to the FUN platform to access your dashboard and follow the courses in which you are enrolled.
Educational resources, activities and interactions with other students and/or with the teaching team via forums are the components of our dynamic MOOCs on the FUN platform. No educational content is sent either by email or by post, everything takes place on the platform, online. However, the teaching team will regularly email you course updates.