If your answers to the exercises or quizzes have not been taken into account, this may be due to:
- incorrect handling when you tried to submit your answers,
- a passed deadline for your response, or
- completing a training exercise (which is not graded).
1. You didn't click on the right button to validate
For your submission to be taken into account, you must click on the "Check" or "Final check" button. The "Save", "Reset" or "Show answer" buttons (if they are present) do not allow you to submit your answer/review.
2. The due date has passed
Once the due date has passed, your answers to the assessments can no longer be taken into account, for whatever reason (you did not have Internet access for a few days, you did not understand that there was a due date, etc.).
Unless there is a technical problem with the platform, the due date cannot be extended in order to take the assessments.
3. The exercise is not marked
When an exercise is not marked (indicated as a "training score" on the progress page), the score obtained may be visible (e.g. .../10) or hidden (0/0) depending on the marking system used by the teaching team.
If you wish to obtain a badge for this course, you will have to wait until the next session. If you have created an account on FUN, you will receive our newsletter (unless you unsubscribed) and will automatically be informed about new sessions and courses.
We also advise you to consult our courses catalogue regularly to be kept informed on new courses that have just been put online, and to follow news about the FUN platform on social networks to be warned of upcoming registration openings: