You can follow the following steps to create your account:
The approach is similar for the FUN Campus and FUN Corporate platforms.
1) FUN : Go to the registration form of the concerned site
- To create a FUN account, simply click on “Sign Up” or on the “Log in to register” button directly on the course page :
We made a video tutorial which explains all the steps until finalizing your FUN account:
- For FUN Corporate, click here
- For FUN Campus, click here
2) FUN: fill-in the informations
Complete the form, taking care to read the following instructions:
- The email address must be valid in order to allow you to receive the activation message and the information sent by the platform / educational teams
- The FUN username (your nickname) cannot be changed.
It is unique on the platform and anonymous (it must not include your first and last name)
A username or nickname can only contain letters, numbers, an underscore (_) and a hyphen (-). Spaces are not allowed.
Please note, there cannot be two identical usernames and as FUN already have more than 2.8 million registered users, it is necessary to combine letters, numbers and possibly symbols to create your nickname, and finalize your account.
Your username will be displayed on the platform in your contributions to the forums and wikis offered in the courses.
- The password you choose must be at least 8 characters long and must mix numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters and special characters among &#{([-_)]}=+,;.:/$*!.
You will then need to activate your account using the link sent to your email box.
Remember to check your spam / junk folder if you do not receive this activation email in your inbox.
If you enroll to a paid certificate, the full name that you chose will appear.
Your email and the “Full name” item can subsequently be modified in the account settings of your profile: