I did not receive the activation email

The activation link may not reach you for various reasons.

If you have not received an activation email, it may be because:

  • There was a typo in your email address when creating your FUN account.
  • Your spam filter may have considered the activation email as a junk mail (spam). Please check your junk mail (spam) folder.
  • You may be using an old browser. We recommend downloading the most recent version of your browser.
  • Javascript may be disabled in your browser. Check your browser settings and confirm that Javascript is enabled.

Also if your account was not created it may be because:

- The nickname you entered is too short, includes an unauthorized space, or is already in use by another user.
- The chosen password is not complex enough. It must be at least 8 characters long and must mix numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters and special characters among &#{([-_)]}=+,;.:/$*!


You can check that the registration request has been accepted by trying to re-register with the same email address. A message will appear on the registration page telling you that an account already exists with this address.

After this verification, you can contact FUN support to request manual activation of your account.

Otherwise, repeat the account creation procedure and if you are still blocked, consult the article: “How to create an account on the FUN platforms”.


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