The courses offered on our platform are free.
Most of our courses offer either a free badge which certifies that you have reached the required score for the exercises offered, or a paid certificate which corresponds to an exam (most often online and proctored), for which your identity has been verified. verified.
Some courses still offer a monitoring certificate which was present on Fun before the introduction of badges in September 2022.
To check if the course offers a badge, attestation or certificate, you can read the information in the "Assessment" section on the course homepage.
The badge and the certificate simply confirm that you have followed the MOOC and obtained an average grade equivalent to or higher than the threshold set by the course teachers. These two documents have no official value.
Some MOOCs offer to obtain a certificate: to do this, you must register for the certification course (paid) for which you will take the remotely monitored exam. This certificate, although not constituting a diploma, however guarantees that you have successfully completed the exercises under examination conditions and that it is you who took this exam (your identity is verified). This ensures that you did not cheat, or that someone did not take the exam for you. In certain cases, the certificate can allow you to obtain ECTS (university credits), but this is not systematic. The teaching team specifies this on the presentation page when this is the case.
This document constitutes a real plus for professional development, in particular your resume, access to training and/or in your job search, although it does not correspond to a diploma recognized by the State. They demonstrate your interest and investment in a given area.
Note that a course offers either the certificate, the badge, or the attestation, but never all three. This is usually specified on the course presentation page: