Video - Procedure of an online exam with ProctorExam on FUN (user guide)

Procedure for Sitting an Online Exam with ProctorExam

To ensure a smooth exam experience, we strongly recommend carefully reviewing the information provided in the video below.
This is crucial for understanding and completing the process effectively.

Please pay close attention to the exam rules and follow each step as outlined:



If you prefer a text-based guide, click the following link to access the article that provides detailed instructions for taking an online exam on the platform:
 Procedure for a certification exam with the ProctorExam system (user guide) :

Essential points to bear in mind before taking an online test and during the test itself:

  • Don't forget to take a photo of your proof of identity during the verification phase - it's imperative.
    The tool will inevitably ask you to do this, so be extremely vigilant and attentive. To be clear and precise, during the verification phase (after the mic test) when a woman shows a card, that's when you should take a photo of your proof of identity, not your face (the photo of your face is taken a little later).

It is very important to know that any exam in which there is no photo of your proof of identity is automatically and by default considered invalid (even if you have obtained a sufficient mark to obtain the certificate). This information is also specified on the tool.

This is an online examination with identity verification. Without this photo of your proof of identity, it is not possible to confirm your identity, and therefore to issue you with the certificate. Be very careful and take your time during the verification phase.


  • By default, headphones and earphones are not allowed during the exam (you must not have them with you when you take and complete the exam paper), unless specified by the teaching staff on the course and in the exam instructions.
  • Bear in mind that email addresses containing aliases are not accepted by the application (ProctorExam) when you connect to it at the time of your exam.
  • The certificate will not be sent to you by email. When it is available, the course team will let you know.

The certificate can be available on your learner dashboard.

  • If you fail to comply with the examination regulations, the conditions of use or the examination instructions, your certificate may be withdrawn and/or refused (even if you have obtained a mark sufficient to obtain the certificate) by decision of the examination board. The examination board is made up of the members of the course's teaching team who will have inspected your examination session. This decision will be sent after your examination session has been checked.
    Remember to click on the "final check" button to definitively validate your answers during your examination session. The "save" button does not count. Once your answers have been definitively validated, and before you leave, check that the platform has taken them into account (green ticks appear in the answers, etc.).
  • If you have not validated your answers during your exam (except in special cases), you are directly responsible for this and no refunds or claims will be made. FUN will not necessarily intervene, as this is your responsibility.
    Typical example: you have pressed the wrong button to validate your answers when it was explicitly indicated in the instructions which button you had to click to proceed with the final validation of your answers.
  • By default, for an online exam, unless otherwise specified by the course team, you are not authorised to:
      1. use the Internet
      2. use external applications
      3. use a manual, book, document, etc.
      4. use a calculator
      5. use a pen, draft paper and paper



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