Where can I find my Open Badge?

Since the beginning of 2024, you have 2 possibilities to find your course badge:

  • By email :

As before, your badge is always sent by mail. The sender is Open Badge Factory (OBF). The email contains the link to collect your badge.
If you do not find it, please do not hesitate to check your entire mailbox (including junk mail/spam).


Once you have clicked on the link (in the course or in the mail), you will access the page containing your badge. You can share it on social networks (LinkedIn, Twitter etc.) and download it in a PDF format.


  • In the course badge section:

With the automation since January 2024, you can find your badge within the course, in the "Badge" section (where you requested your badge). A link is available, allowing you to collect your course badge.

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You must have obtained the minimum required score indicated in the progress graph (see How do I read my progress graph?).

For any questions related to the issuance of the open badge (grade calculation, exercises taken into account, etc.), you must contact the teaching team via the course forum.

From the moment you get the requirement score, badges are planned to be generated within a few days.


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