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FUN Support
Your topics
Discover MOOCs
What is a MOOC?
What do I need to take a course/MOOC?
What are you committing to when you sign up for a MOOC?
What does a FUN course look like?
Courses on the FUN platform
Who offers the courses broadcasted on FUN?
Who chooses the topics for the courses offered on FUN?
Where can I find the course list?
In which languages are the courses offered?
I could not enroll on time, will a new course session be offered?
Where to follow the FUN platform on social networks?
Follow a course on FUN
What does a course session mean?
What are the prerequisites for a course?
When does my course start and end?
Why can't I register for courses on FUN at any time?
Why can't I access the rest of the course?
How do I register for a course that is closed to enrolment?
See all 14 articles
Where can I find the course?
I can't access my course
Exchanges and meetings
How can I get help?
I have different accounts on Fun Campus and Fun-mooc. How can I transfer course registrations and grades from one platform to the other ?
What is the difference between the badge, the attestation, the certificate?
Is it possible to get a degree by taking courses on the FUN platform?
How do I read my progress graph?
I need to prove that I have completed a course, but I am unable to wait for my badge or paid certificate. What can I do?
If I re-enroll in the course, will my previous marks be saved?
See all 13 articles
Open Badge
Open Badges on the FUN platform : what are they?
How do I request a badge for a course?
How do I track the progress of my badge application?
I applied for my badge at the start of the course. Do I need to reapply after completing any assessments ?
Where can I find my Open Badge?
Can I see the number of course hours on my badge?
Paid certificate
Video - Procedure of an online exam with ProctorExam on FUN (user guide)
Promoted article
Find courses that offer a certificate for a fee
How do I register for the paid certificate?
Can I cancel my registration for a paid certificate and get a refund?
May I request any extra time to sit my exam ?
FUN proctored exam rules and requirements
See all 11 articles
Free certificate
Can I have the number of course hours on my free course completion certificate?