FUN is an online course platform with facilitated sessions during a defined period.
It allows everyone to have free access to varied, quality courses wherever you are worldwide.
You can follow the course entirely via the Internet from a computer (recommended) or a mobile terminal.
Online courses are free on the platform and allow you to obtain:
- Open badges
- Certificates for which the registration for the exam requires a payment.
Some courses do not deliver a badge nor a certificate: please check on the course information page for details.
Regarding certification courses:
Registration for a certification exam for a course is not compulsory, you have the choice not to take this option.
Then, you will only have access to the resources, forum and activities made available by the teaching team.
No badge will be issued for your participation in a certification course.
Access to the certification course is free to.
The courses concerned can be recognized by this red icon on the thumbnail :
Concerning the Gradeo:
Gradeo is a professional training course for which you have to pay a fee to enroll.
Gradeo training courses are available in the dedicated section:
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